Jon Ellis

Jon Ellis

Head of Projects

Jon has lived and breathed project marketing for over two decades. Few project marketers can boast such a varied expertise in the sector.

Jon founded and lead an award winning property branding and retail advertising agency, that he exited in 2017. He founded and lead PropTech company Investorist that revolutionised channel agent selling and continues to drive innovation in the space. And he is a co-founder of The Move.

When Jon is not pushing himself in business he is challenging his body kitesurfing or trail running. With all the excitement it is not surprising that Jon’s favourite thing is relaxing with his wife and young son.

“I think the value I bring to my client’s projects is the ability to drive a holistic strategy” says Jon. “I’m very fortunate that my career has given me the opportunity to really master each discipline from branding and creative through to advertising and lead generation and all aspects of sales”.